"Beauty is a gift, just like good health or intelligence. The only thing not to be proud of being beautiful is you didn't do anything to keep and take care of it."
Treat urinary incontinence in newest possible ways
It’s important to determine the type of urinary incontinence that you have and your symptoms often tell your doctor which type you have. That information will guide treatment decisions.
Sexual health is vital to the self-worth, emotional wellbeing, and overall quality of life of women in midlife. However, urinary incontinence, which is prevalent in this population, has a negative impact on sexual function.
Improve fertility in women using the new way to use O-Shot® technology
This is a very important, extremely important article about the very difficult and heart-wrenching problem of how to help a woman become pregnant who is struggling with a particular form of infertility where the lining of the endometrial cavity is or the endometrium is too thin.